Robert Meeropol's Fundraiser

I'm turning 75 (!!!), help me celebrate by donating to the RFC
For my 75th birthday, please help me raise money for the Rosenberg Fund for Children (the organization I founded 30+ years ago) to stand with kids whose parents face harassment, arrest, violence or other repression because of their progressive efforts
In my parents' last letter to my brother Michael and me, our mother wrote that she was comforted in the sure knowledge that others would carry on after their death. The RFC is a project to justify that trust. It helps the children of today's activists in ways that my brother and I were helped after our family was targeted by providing funds for schools and camps, music lessons and counseling services, for tutoring, or to visit a parent in prison.
Right now, activists are being attacked because they're working to combat racism, protest police brutality, preserve civil liberties, safeguard the environment, wage peace, and organize on behalf of immigrants, workers, prisoners, the LGBTQ community, and others whose lives are under threat. All too often, these activists are parents whose children end up in the crosshairs of repression.
By donating to the RFC, we can ensure kids whose parents have been targeted because of their activism can attend summer camp or hire a tutor or receive therapy or attend a dance program or participate in other activities that allow them to have fun, process their experiences and heal. A supportive community was vital to helping my brother Michael and I survive and eventually thrive when our family was targeted. Help me Carry Forward & Pass On that support to children facing similar threats today.